December 19th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: 2024.12.13.x
Application Loading - Backend optimizations have been made to improve loading times for large proposals.
Payment Request Page - Updated the design of the payment request detail page in preparation for invoices.
AI Builder Updates - Updated the design for placeholder items in the AI Proposal Builder.
Mobile Rearranging - Drag-and-drop functionality has been added for rearranging items on mobile proposals.
PW-17849 - Fixed a visual dropdown menu issue when cloning an area with options into a new proposal area.
PW-17884 - Resolved an "invalid permissions" error for dealers creating payment requests.
Change Orders - Now accessible via Zapier, partner APIs (iPoint & ProjX360), and our public API.
PW-17885/PW-17916 - Fixed a Google Sheets integration issue showing a forbidden error after disconnection. Users are now asked to reconnect their Google account, allowing the proposal push to proceed automatically.
December 4th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: 2024.11.27.x
Reordering Areas - Desktop and mobile now have a dedicated pop-up screen making it easier to change the order of areas.
Mobile Proposal Updates - Integration icons (e.g., QBO, Google Sheets) are now visible on the proposal detail page for quick access.
PW-17370 - Fixed an issue where the proposal CSV profit does not match the proposal profit in Portal.
PW-17860 - Addressed an issue with sell prices not displaying for custom items with dynamic pricing in the client view of proposals.
PW-17589 - Fixed an error where AI placeholder items were not allowing orders to be created from proposals. Placeholder items are now skipped, ensuring actual products are added.
User Permissions Added
View Sell Price & MSRP - When disabled, sell price, MSRP, totals, and financial summaries are hidden across proposals, change orders, payment schedules, and client installer downloads.
Create & Edit Payment Requests - When disabled, users are restricted from creating or editing payment requests within proposals or in the Payments tab.
Watch video on recent user permission updates:
QuickBooks Online (QBO):
Estimate creation settings have been updated with a new dropdown UI for easier navigation.
Updated the wording on the review screen to clearly communicate the actions performed when creating the estimate.
Proposal events now include the Installer PDF only when the proposal status is set to "Accepted."
Fixed an issue preventing multiple Zaps from running on the same Portal event.
November 21st, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.11.14.x
Mobile Proposal Updates - You can now add sell prices for catalog items and custom/labor items and edit client notes from a mobile device.
AI Proposal Builder - Uploaded audio and video files in the AI Proposal Builder can now be previewed on the 'Project Specification Content' screen before generating a proposal.
PW-17410 - Resolved an issue where tax settings were not being applied correctly to proposals.
User Permissions Updates
"View Cost & Profit" permissions are now linked across all sections, so enabling or disabling this permission in one section will apply to all others. A description informs users of the connection, and changes to this permission highlight the description for a few seconds as a reminder.
Catalog Permissions Updates
"Item Visibility" Options: Show all catalog items, authorized & preferred brands, or just preferred brands.
"Manage Suppliers & Costs": Now requires "View Cost & Profit" permissions.
Added "View Sell Price & MSRP" permission. When disabled, MSRP and Sell Price values are hidden throughout Portal.
"Create & Edit" permissions updates:
Editing auto-attachments is now part of this permission.
When "Create & Edit" is disabled, users can still edit item short descriptions in proposals but not in the catalog. Any changes made to proposal item descriptions will remain local to that proposal only.
Proposal Permissions Updates
"Proposal Visibility" can now be set to 'All Proposals' or 'Only Those Linked to User.'
*Note: When users are limited to viewing their own proposals, the salesperson filter is removed from the proposal list.
Orders Permissions Updates
"Submit Orders" now requires "Create & Edit Orders," which also requires "View Cost & Profit."
PW-17771 - Resolved a currency-related bug affecting AI Proposal generation for UK dealers.
November 1st, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.11.01.x
Filter Upgrades - Major updates to brand and supplier filters in order to improve catalog navigation:
Brand Filter is now organized into "Our Brands" and "All Brands" sections.
"Our Brands" includes "Preferred Brands" and "Authorized Brands."
"All Brands" lists remaining brands, sorted by popularity.
"Preferred Brands" toggle activates a filter representing all Preferred brands.
Supplier Filter is now split into "Our Suppliers" and "All Suppliers."
"Our Suppliers" shows suppliers unlocked by the dealer.
"All Suppliers" lists other suppliers, alphabetically.
Favorites - Duplicate favorites have been removed from search and category results to prevent favorites from appearing twice. This is currently an enabled service while we complete testing.
PW-17388 - Resolved dynamic pricing issue for items as auto-attachments.
PW-17506 - Addressed inaccurate profit warnings on dynamically priced labor items.
PW-17522 - Corrected labor dynamic sell price calculation for auto-attached items
PW-17615 - Fixed an issue where replacing an item did not display the MSRP of the new item without refreshing the profit margin.
AI - The AI Proposal Builder now includes a 'Speak It' feature. Dealers can now speak a proposal directly into existence.
*Note: A microphone permissions error may appear when using Firefox. The feature is functional despite the error.
Deleting Items on Accepted Proposals - Bulk deletion of items from accepted proposals now prompts dealers to create a change order, with indicators displayed as 'Refunded on Change Order.'
Mobile Proposal Updates
Client notes can now be added to proposal items.
The sell price for labor and custom items is now editable.
PW-17588 - Fixed an issue where accepted proposals did not move to the top of the proposal list when using the "Last Modified" filter.
PW-17590 - Fixed a toggle issue in the proposal client view settings for accepted proposals.
PW-17628 - Resolved an issue where payment declined emails were not sent to dealers, despite permissions being set properly.
PW-17584 - Fixed an issue in QBO settings where selecting or updating Payments or Estimates was not functioning as expected.
October 9th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.10.08.x
AI Proposal Builder: Dealer labor items can now be used when building a proposal. When a dealer creates a proposal using AI, the labor items used to replace the placeholder will be tracked, adding defaults for "Installation Labor" and "Programming Labor." The next time an AI proposal is generated, these default labor items and rates will automatically apply. This is an enabled service, and will be available soon.
Added the simple proposal view to mobile.
For Canadian dealers, the second tax rate is now hidden unless added to a proposal or setup in settings.
PW-17251 - Fixed an issue where the client view area and proposal totals with options sometimes did not match.
With the 'consolidate line items' setting enabled for QuickBooks Online:
The prompt to map items to QBO has been removed.
The QBO estimate will now have four consolidated line items:
Parts, Parts (Tax Exempt), Labor, Labor (Tax Exempt). Watch a demo:
PW-17284 - Fixed an issue where only the first payment for a client was syncing with QBO under the Auto Payment Creation feature; subsequent payments were not syncing.
October 1st, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.09.24.x
The mobile proposal view has been updated, offering improvement to the mobile web experience. See video for a side by side comparison:
PW-17439 - Fixed an issue where the "Replace Item" pop-up remained on the screen during item selection in the catalog.
PW-17359 - Fixed an issue where some dealers were incorrectly prompted to map items in QuickBooks when sending a proposal.
PW-17191 - Resolved a display issue with the "Reconnect QuickBooks Integration" window.
September 13th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.09.10.x
AI Proposal Builder Beta activated for subscribers who requested it at the CEDIA Expo.
PW-17356 - Fixed QuickBooks estimate push error.
August 27th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.08.23.x
TDSynnex for Sony API Integration for live pricing is now available for all users.
Table View is now available as a catalog view option for all users:
'Total' in the proposal side navigation has been changed to 'Proposal Total' to better distinguish it from 'Project Total,' which includes accepted change orders.
Two new 'Client View - Labor' settings have been added, allowing dealers to show or hide:
Line item rate, quantity, and total
Line item rate and quantity (still showing the line item total)
PW-17055 - Fixed an issue that was causing the proposal status to stay in 'submitted' after being viewed by a client.
PW-17160 - Resolved an issue where the proposal payment schedule was showing a duplicate 'Client Description' header on some dealer accounts.
*SUPER TOP SECRET NEW FEATURE* Starting the week of September 9th, the beta version will be open to requests from subscribers only. Demonstrations at CEDIA.
QBO Auto-Payment Generation - Dealers now have the option in QBO integration settings to automatically create a Payment automatically when a customer pays through Payments integrations (QBO, Stripe, Square). The Payment will be assigned to the customer in QuickBooks Online.
PW-17237 - Resolved an issue where the QBO settings menu was appearing when connecting to QB Payments.
August 20th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.08.16.x
PW-17114 - Addressed a permissions issue preventing users with 'manage users' rights from removing users.
PW-17173 - Resolved an issue where duplicate brands appeared in the catalog brands filter.
PW-17040 - Fixed an issue with client PDFs where "(Option 1)" incorrectly displayed in areas without options.
PW-17137 - Resolved an issue that triggered an errant "This proposal was being updated from another location" error message, significantly reducing its occurrence.
PW-17168 - Implemented a fix for the 'QBO Proposal Sync - Sync Failed - Too Many Requests' error message.
August 5th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.08.01.x
Replaced the disabled 'Email & Submit' button in the proposal header with a '+Assign Client' button when no client is assigned yet. The existing '+Assign Client' button remains unchanged, so there will be two '+Assign Client' buttons on the proposal in this case.
Various UI/UX updates and improvements have been made to the mobile version of the proposal.
PW-17064 - Fixed an issue where the new proposal history pop-up window wasn't showing all records.
The payment request page now includes links to the proposal PDF and invoice PDF.
The footer has also been cleaned up, and 'Powered by Portal' has been removed.
July 29th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.07.24.x
The 'Proposal History' section is now displayed in a pop-up window, providing more space at the top of the proposal and offering a larger, more focused view of the history.
Updated the Payment Schedule user interface for both desktop and mobile.
The invoice PDF now includes a 'View Proposal' link that opens the proposal in the proposal viewer.
PW-16987 - Fixed an issue where the 'Done' button was not visible in the text editor on mobile devices.
PW-16991 - Resolved an issue where multiple entries of the same brand appeared in the catalog brand filters.
July 9th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.07.05.x
You can now create a proposal directly from the contact detail page.
Added a new three-dot menu in People section and Contact detail page to more easily delete a contact.
Updated the QuickBooks Online integration settings page language for better clarity.
Added functionality to QuickBooks Online integration that creates a Payment in QuickBooks Online automatically when a Payment is made from a customer via the Payments Integrations (Intuit Payments, Stripe, or Square). The new 'Payment Settings' page in the QuickBooks Online integration section of Settings page allows users to toggle this on or off.
July 5th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: 2024.06.28.x
Added ‘Internal/Installer Notes’ in the Project Description section, for recording general proposal notes not visible on client view or PDF but shown on the Installer PDF.
Added the ability to revert proposals to previous versions based on client PDF downloads.
PW-16837 - Text sections can no longer be edited on accepted proposals, preserving the integrity of an accepted proposal. Editing text fields on an accepted proposal requires moving proposal back to draft status.
PW-16873 - Fixed issue that was causing dealers to receive the “Tax Seems Low” warning for tax set between 12 and 100%.
Updated section names in brand filters:
"Our Preferred Brands": Brands chosen per account, in catalog settings.
"Authorized Brands": Brands associated with authorized suppliers on an account.
“Authorized Suppliers”: Suppliers that an account has unlocked pricing for.
PW-16882 - Resolved an issue where adding a preferred brand in catalog settings added additional (many) brands.
PW-16877 - Resolved TDSynnex API issue where some dealers did not receive pricing.
June 25th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.06.21.x
The Brand and Supplier filter grouping has been updated.
Brand: 'Our Brands' is now 'Our Preferred Brands.' Only brands listed under Settings > Catalog > 'Our Preferred Brands' will appear in the filter list.
Supplier: 'Our Suppliers' is now 'Authorized Suppliers.'
The catalog now features a row layout at the product level, displaying more results per page. This is not enabled for all accounts yet.
QuickBooks Online Payments Mapping: Payments made through our integrations (Stripe, Square, QuickBooks Payments) can now generate a Payment (versus just the transaction appearing) inside QBO. When a proposal is accepted, we create the client in QBO (or map to existing). The Payment is created in QBO and assigned to the client. That Payment in QBO will then just need to be assigned (manually) to the appropriate invoice.
We will include the following payment details in QBO:
Proposal Number
Sales Person Name
Payment Amount
Integration Name
Transaction ID
Payment Source: 'CC (via Portal)' or 'ACH (via Portal)'
ACH payments will need to be updated when the payment processes.
Client version of the proposal PDF
Note: This is in beta, and must be turned on per account.
June 18th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.06.14.x
PW-16750 - Resolved an issue where dealers on an annual Subscription Plan were not seeing the correct number of allowed users for their chosen plan.
PW-16823 - Fixed an issue where a user would see an 'Update Payment Method' notification despite having updated the credit card.
Added a payment summary section to the PDF invoice. This section shows payment history, total payments, balance, and the next payment due, with a convenient link to the payment on the PDF.
Improved product image visibility by adding a small gray box behind product images in the proposal.
Continued updating the mobile proposal design, which remains an enabled service (has to be turned on per account while we continue to test).
PW-16799 - Resolved an issue where the areas with multiple options were only saving option 1, discarding any changes made to other options.
Renamed 'Our Brands' to 'Our Preferred Brands' in Settings > Catalog.
Developing brand filter suggestions to provide dealers with a personalized list of options under catalog filters. This feature is still being worked on and is an enabled service.
PW-16686 - Fixed an issue where item details edited in the QuickBooks Online pop-up page were not being saved to the QuickBooks Online estimate.
June 11th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.06.07.x
Google Sheets integration has been turned on for all accounts.
Further work on new mobile proposal version.
New catalog filter design. Selected filter options will now appear in dark gray below the filter headers, making it easier to see which filters are applied.
In the 'Select Your Preferred Brands' modal under Settings - Our Brands, it will now only search for brands associated with each account's chosen industries.
The new Wave and TDSynnex (Sony) catalog APIs have been enabled for all dealers.
PW-16749 - Fixed an issue where Premium dealers were unable to use auto-attachments.
June 5th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v.2024.05.30.x
The proposal text editor has been updated to a modal style for all sections. This provides more vertical space, easier access to formatting tools, and eliminates warnings from leaving an editor open somewhere on the proposal.
When replacing an item with an item that has attachments, you now have the option to include those attachments with the replacement. Any attachments on the replaced item will remain on the proposal as attachments to the new item. Nothing is deleted, only added.
PW-16630 - Fixed an issue where the company address on a proposal was not being used to calculate tax, resulting in an error.
PW-16632 - Fixed an issue where the client address suite field was not showing on the client view of proposals.
PW-16644 - Resolved an issue where purchase orders could not be deleted.
PW-16645 - Fixed an issue with ACH payment request limits showing when ACH was not an option (affected non-US dealers).
PW-16683 - Resolved a display error in subscription usage settings where the same user and charge were being displayed multiple times.
May 29th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.05.24.x
We're working on a new pop-up window style text editor in the proposal, which is an enabled service.
PW-16596 - Resolved an issue with the proposal client viewer where changes to area options required a page refresh to update.
May 21st, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.05.17.x
The catalog supplier settings layout has been updated, moving from a card-style UI to a table style for clarity. The new layout now includes the date of the last pricing update for each supplier.
Refined the catalog's categories section for a smoother user experience.
A new screen now shows the impact of removing a supplier on their catalog, proposals, and orders.
Added support for Square SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) payments. This feature allows multi-factor authentication requirements to be completed during the payment process in Portal for cards that require it.
Fixed an issue with the Stripe 3D Secure payment experience.
QuickBooks Online (QBO) increased the limit for ACH payments from $50k to $100k. We adjusted our limit message when sending payment requests to reflect this change (note that this limit doesn't guarantee approval).
Made a required update to the Square ACH payments SDK.
May 14th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.05.10.x
Advanced digital signature data is now visible on signed proposal PDFs:
The email from which the proposal was opened
The signer's IP address
Browser details (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc)
The signer's operating system and version
A new section has been added to the catalog settings for selecting preferred brands.
We fixed an issue where dealers who had connected a payment processor in settings were still seeing the payments acceptance screen on the payments tab. This screen will now be cleared when accepting the terms during the connection process.
PW-16500 - Fixed an issue with the 3D Secure pop up that was preventing clients from completing the verification sent from their bank.
PW-16527 - Fixed an issue from a connection error due to "State". Stripe's system doesn't handle apartment or suite numbers in address fields, causing the account connection to fail.
May 7th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.05.03.x
Updated contact address formatting to match postal addressing standards: state now abbreviated, and postal code follows the state.
Improved appearance of proposal financial summary, sales tax, and discount settings dialog boxes on desktop.
Implemented capture digital data on signed proposals and applied the digital signature to the PDF copy. Signed PDFs are now uneditable, and copies will not contain the digital signature.
Mobile updates development ongoing.
PW-16496 - Resolved an issue where dealers could not download the invoice PDF of a proposal.
PW-16498 - Fixed an issue where new proposal cover images were not saving.
QuickBooks Integration:
Updated the address formatting pushed to QuickBooks Online.
'Shipping From' address will no longer be pushed to QuickBooks Online. QuickBooks Online will now automatically populate this field with the dealer's address upon estimate creation.
Contact search feature progress, starting with QuickBooks Online contacts. Not activate for dealers yet.
April 30th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.04.26.x
Updated the Product tile design for the Catalog, which enhances the visual appeal of products and provides clear visibility of the default supplier from the results page.
Updated the profit analysis calculation to cap losses at 100%. Additionally, a note has been included below the parts and labor calculations to indicate when items are excluded from the calculation due to missing costs.
Updated the cover image selection process. You can now choose between stock images and company-specific images. Company images used for a client are displayed in a dedicated section, making them easier to locate. Client images are automatically tagged when used on a proposal for that client.
Continued work on enhancing the new mobile proposal experience.
PW-16379 - Fixed issue where using the QuickBooks payments integration could result in a disconnection of the integration, blocking functions like accepting a payment.
April 22nd, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.04.18.x
Refined profit calculation logic for proposals to address potential inaccuracies in certain edge cases, such as incorrectly high or low profit or loss percentages.
PW-16248 - Fixed the client view of the proposal viewer to no longer display the "Review and Accept" button for declined change orders. Declined change orders will still be listed, but the button has been removed.
PW-16300 - Corrected change order displaying incorrect profit analysis as part of our profit calculation update.
PW-16329 - Resolved an issue with change order names differing between client view and dealer view.
PW-16359 - Fixed an issue where renaming an area on a change order failed to update the area name on the proposal.
PW-16380 - Addressed a problem where dealers using advanced notifications received too many emails for each accepted proposal.
PW-16377 - Resolved an issue where adding accessories to an item and then replacing it with itself did not include the accessories.
April 17th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.04.15.x
Improvements to the mobile version of proposals
Improved the cover page image upload and selection.
PW-16170 - Fixed an issue where area totals were still appearing on the PDF version despite enabling 'Simple View' and 'Hide Area Totals' Client View Settings.
PW-16307 - Resolved an issue where Pro plan dealers were mistakenly receiving trial expired emails for 'Proposal Viewed Notifications'.
PW-16374 - Fixed a notification issue where dealers were seeing a premature 'TDSynnex - Sony Disconnected/Fix' notification related to our upcoming API integration.
PW-16376 - Resolved a banner issue where non-Wave dealers were receiving an incorrect 'Wave API disconnected' notification.
Dealers now have the ability to disconnect from their payment processor, offering a convenient way to refresh the connection when needed.
April 8th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.04.05.x
Improvements to the mobile version of proposals
PW-16286 - Fixed an issue in catalog settings where profit margins were updating to an incorrect value once saved.
April 1st, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.03.29.x
The Change Orders feature is now accessible for all Pro+ plans. Lite and Free plans can trial it on 5 proposals, each with unlimited change orders.
PW-16167: Resolved an issue with the disabled page breaks proposal setting on PDF.
Efforts are ongoing to enhance personalized catalog results and improved search.
PW-16301 - Fixed ACH convenience fee calculation in QuickBooks Payments.
PW-16285 - Corrected the "Sort By" dropdown functionality in the payments section.
AI Payment functionality now calls the client on the phone to automatically collect their credit card or ACH information if they do not enter it immediately after accepting proposal. If they do not answer the phone, they will be texted every 24 hours.
March 25th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.03.21.x
Updated the list of known countries and states/provinces for comprehensive coverage, including all official countries. Territories with unique address structures, like the Cayman Islands and Anguilla, have been updated, and the state/province requirement has been removed for countries without them.
PW-16042 - Menu icons now load quicker upon signing in.
Revamped the display of favorites in the first phase of catalog improvements. Replaced horizontal scrolling with a vertical list showing up to 4 rows of 3 products each. A "show more" button expands the favorites section with 4 additional rows upon each click. Mobile view has also been updated.
March 20th, 2024 ReleaseWeb
App Version: v2024.03.18.x
The 'Email & Submit' button is disabled if the dealer has not added a client to the proposal, with a tooltip providing instructions on how to resolve the issue.
Adding a client is now facilitated via an 'Add Client' button, while the '+ new client' function is included in the search dropdown, pre-filling the new client fields with the client's first and/or last name.
Internal change orders will no longer trigger an email notification when marked 'accepted'.
PW-16133 - Resolved an issue where labor attached to an item with the 'combined price' and the 'client view - hide labor line items' settings turned on still showed the labor charge in the area total.
PW-16190 - Fixed an issue where some proposals were not sending, displaying an "Email Failed" status.
PW-16233 - Fixed an issue where a dealer was unable to access the change order feature after it was enabled.
Stripe Standard, Square, and QuickBooks payments are now enabled for all accounts, both existing and new signups.
The payment schedule and payment requests sections now dynamically update the 'Outstanding Proposal Balance' text and balance calculation to 'Outstanding Project Balance' if there are accepted change orders. This includes the balance with accepted change order total, visible in dealer view, client view, and client view PDF.
Added a 'Project Balance' calculation below payment requests, displaying the current outstanding project balance total and paid request total.
Added a 'Project Total' below the change orders section, showing the proposal total plus accepted change order total.
The 'Profit Analysis' section now includes a toggle to include or exclude change orders from the profit calculation.
The segmented controller for payments and change orders sections will now appear if there is an item in any segment, instead of only showing segments with items.
The archive function has been removed for change orders, with deletion as the only option for removing them from a proposal.
PW-16241 - Fixed an issue where a dealer was receiving payments paused notifications despite not being connected to a processor in Portal.
March 13th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.03.12.x
Added a 'Project Total' calculation, representing the proposal total plus the accepted Change Orders total. This calculation is displayed below the Change Orders section in both the dealer view and the proposal viewer.
Implemented segmented controllers, grouped by status, in the payments and change orders sections.
Payments Segments:
Lists paid requests.
The footer shows the total of paid requests and the outstanding project balance.
Past Due:
Lists past due requests that are not paid.
The footer shows the past due request total.
Lists draft, submitted, and viewed requests.
The footer shows the pending requests total.
Change Order Segments:
Shows accepted and completed Change Orders.
The footer shows the accepted Change Order total and the project total.
Includes accepted internal Change Orders only.
The footer shows the accepted internal Change Order total.
In Progress
Displays Change Orders in draft, submitted, expired, changes required, or declined.
Added notifications to alert dealers of issues with their payment processor on the payments page, payments settings, and proposals, enabling dealers to preemptively resolve any issues affecting payment collection.
Change order payments are now visible in the proposal payments list.
March 5th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.02.29.x
Added a code login feature allowing users to receive a 4-digit code via email instead of using a password.
Reorganized the proposal sections on the dealer and client views in order to accommodate better clarity with change order functionality:
Updated order:
Financial Summary
Change Orders
Payment Schedule
Project Terms
Previous order:
Financial Summary
Profit Analysis
Project Terms
Change Orders
Added the proposal profit percentage to the proposal side navigation.
Account Merge: Added a suffix to proposal numbers that have been merged from another account. "M" for 'merge' and the number of accounts merged. For example, proposal 101 merged into another account will be displayed as '101-M1' in the destination account.
PW-15914 - Fixed a subscription display issue.
PW-16038 - Resolved an issue where the browser would need to be refreshed for an added proposal item to appear.
PW-16045 - Fixed an issue where Item A could not be attached to Item B if Item B had previously been attached to Item A.
PW-15915: Resolved an issue where the catalog image for an item could not be updated.
PW-16041: Fixed an issue with Default Sell Price in Settings where it could not be changed from 'MSRP' to 'Markup from Cost' unless it was selected twice.
Enabled Stripe Standard and Square payment integrations for all existing accounts.
February 27th, 2024 Release
Web App Version: v2024.02.22.x
Updated Client View Settings logic for hiding labor to enhance clarity and calculation accuracy.
Custom line items now have the 'replace' function.
Temporarily disabled direct video uploads due to feature limitations.
Implemented several enhancements and fixes for Change Orders:
Display of areas created on change orders in the dealer view of the original proposal.
Resolved issues with the 'create change order' dialog box on mobile devices.
Removed the 'Review & Submit' button on internal change orders.
Added the 'Project Terms' section to the simple proposal client view layout.
Fixed functionality issues with the 'Create Change Order' button.
PW-15990 - Resolved a proposal area menu issue for dealers on Lite plan.
PW-16040 - Corrected active user count display on Billing Details page.
Revised payment section formatting in proposal client PDFs to align with the web version.
PW-16035 - Fixed currency display for Canadian dealer settings from USD to CAD.
February 20th, 2024 Release Web App Version: v2024.02.15.x
Free Plans will require Credit Card from the user when:
Integrating a Payment Processor (for fees)
Additional Users are added and/or active.
On the Client View on Proposals, the "Proposal Total" label has been updated to "Total with Changes" when the Highlight Changes option is selected by the client. This "Total With Changes" represents the sum of all highlighted/selected Change Orders.
PW-15975 - Fixed a "Refresh your browser" issue on proposals.
PW-16028 - Fixed issue in text editor to display uploaded imagines
PW-15916 - Merged items displaying incorrectly as Auto-attachments
PW-15873 - Some Payments were missing from Invoice PDF
February 13th, 2024 Release Web App Version: v2024.02.13.x
On the Client View on Proposals, the "Proposal Total" label has been updated to "Total with Changes" when the Highlight Changes option is selected by the client. This "Total With Changes" represents the sum of all highlighted/selected Change Orders.
Added the Upgrade workflow when unlocking a new vendor when the user is on a Free Plan on Portal.
February 12th, 2024 Release Web App Version: v2024.02.09.x
Payment activity is now prominently displayed on the settings page.
Eliminated payment side ads for a cleaner browsing experience.
Implemented a Three-Dot Menu for Change Orders.
Users now have the ability to edit Change Order Type as needed.
Change Orders functionality is now exclusive to Pro and higher plans.
PW-15830 - Resolved an issue where negative items not consistently displaying on Change Orders.
PW-15855 - Fixed issue with Auto Attachments disappearing when replacing a parent item.
PW-15904 - Corrected Auto Attachments inconsistency in Highlight Changes on Change Orders.
PW-15905 - Fixed a broken video URL in Auto Attachment Activation Email.
PW-15909 - Fixed Lite Dealer Notification issues related to viewed proposals.
PW-15952 - Resolved Stripe Standard ACH payment issue.
PW-15976 - Fixed an issue where Payment processor pop-up screen was auto-closing after success.
PW-15907 - Fixed an error via Square when viewing upcoming Portal invoices.
February 5th, 2024 Release Web App Version: v2024.02.02.x
PW-15872 - Fixed an error on the "Training Video" link.
PW-15903 - Resolved an issue where the "Add to Order" button from the catalog list view was not working.
PW-15874 - Addressed a Wave API connection issue.
PW-15828 - Updated Tooltip for Combine Pricing.
PW-15891 - Fixed fonts in PDFs.
PW-15940 - Resolved an issue where the "Copy items to Proposal" pop-up was hiding items in the proposal.
PW-15847 - Removed a warning displayed for dealers on trial attempting to use payment.
PW-15862 - Fixed an issue where disabling ACH when not available did not account for auto-generated requests.
PW-15851 - Fixed an issue where adding a promo code after subscription did not apply the discount on the next bill.
PW-15890 - Fixed an error preventing subscription during the trial, showing an 'Account Already Subscribed' error.
January 29th, 2024 Release Web App Version: v2024.01.26.2
PW-15845 - Corrected an issue where a failed subscription notification would appear on the ‘Catalog’ and ‘Subscription’ settings pages after the credit card was successfully updated.
PW-15874 - Fixed an issue around Wave API Connection.
PW-15888 - Fixed an issue with the Wave Unlock Button.
PW-15588 - Fixed an issue where the quantity on a change order was incorrect when creating from a proposal.
PW-15739 - Fixed a "Please Try Again" error encountered when submitting a proposal.
PW-15764 - Resolved an issue where the area option declined date was incorrectly set as the proposal last modified date instead of the actual date the customer declined the option.
PW-15788 - Change Order Error addressed when updating the quantity of an item and its nested items.
PW-15790 - Fixed a problem where a user couldn't create a change order for an item with attachments.
PW-15793 - Addressed an issue where, after deleting a custom item that is an auto-attachment of another custom item, the attachment still appeared as a $0 attachment the next time the parent item was added to a proposal.
PW-15856 - Resolved an issue where users couldn't edit supplier cost or change the supplier on proposals.
PW-15869 - Resolved an issue preventing a user from accessing a proposal.
January 22nd, 2024 Release Web App Version: v2024.18.01.x
PW-15762 - Fixed an issue where the payment request amount was incorrect when manually creating a request from the proposal.
PW-15787 - Fixed an issue with Proposal List View totals not including tax.
PW-15837 - Fixed an issue in Client View where a general discount applied to a proposal as a percentage was showing the dollar amount as the discount percentage.
PW-15843 - Fixed an issue where a dealer's payment settings would disappear if their Stripe payout bank account was changed.
January 12th, 2024 Release Web App Version: v2024.01.11.x
Change Orders is in BETA - Continued refinements to Change Order functionality based on beta test feedback from dealers.
PW-15775 - Fixed an issue where payments from Portal were not being sent to Zapier.
PW-15760 - Fixed an issue where a client would not be able to submit their payment on a payment request due to a problem with the date field.
January 4th, 2024 Release Web App Version: v2023.12.29.x
The 'Simple Proposal View' has been turned on for all accounts. This is a client view setting that allows dealers to present a condensed 'invoice style' proposal removing the company description, side navigation, and section headers, as well as smaller product icons. This view was built specifically for Change Orders, but is available for all Proposals.
PW-15590 - Fixed an issue where a supplier can be unlocked for dealer, but parts still show "unlock dealer pricing".
PW-15689 - Fixed an issue with trials of auto-attachments not functioning properly.
PW-15606 - Fixed an issue where a payment marked "Received" would show the date before it was marked Received.
PW-15616 - Fixed an issue with Portal Stripe users not being able to change processors.
PW-15584 - Fixed an issue where having too many users on the same QB account caused the integration to reset.
The Cornerstone integration has been turned on for all accounts.